Creating can be a solitary existence.
The expectations of a published creator are not.

Creating can be a solitary existence. The expectations of a published creator are not.

Storytellers, image makers, agents, publishers, booksellers, educators, and literary organisations –
We are KEAN to work with you!

Storytellers, image makers, agents, publishers, booksellers, educators, and literary organisations –
We are KEAN to work with you!

Many creators struggle to balance their creative work and professional responsibilities.


The creative process requires concentration, quiet and commitment. The gruelling editing process and the pressure of looming deadlines make some creators incapable of prioritising any administration, while others avoid it at all costs!

Agents, editors, and publicists all play a vital role in advising and supporting a creator through their publishing journey. They can help navigate the varied career prospects that may present – book launches, touring and promotional appearances at schools, libraries, and bookstores, and regular speaking engagements at literary festivals and publishing events across the year.

However, these exciting and validating opportunities are inevitably accompanied by unavoidable administration, which is often reluctantly completed by the creator, sometimes to the detriment of their craft.

KEAN & Creative organises, supports, and nurtures you to help you streamline all aspects of your workload. We provide services and solutions that help you stay focused on accomplishing your publishing dreams.


“Jen has an extensive knowledge of the publishing industry and her energy, passion and professionalism allowed her to come up with a plan for how to more efficiently balance the demands of running a 169-Storey Treehouse with the time-intensive process of writing new books.”


“Jen’s attention to detail, her care and thoughtfulness has meant that I’ve always felt incredibly well looked after in every way. She has a calm but confident way of dealing with people. I would recommend her without hesitation to anyone needing this kind of support.”



Outsource your additional workload and benefit from our services, solutions, and the assurance that we provide.

Let us sweat the small stuff for you. Our administrative support and organisational solutions will liberate you from the mundane so that you can concentrate on making magic!
They include:

  • Personal Assistant duties (short/long term & temporary basis)
  • Managing your administrative demands to alleviate pressure, particularly when deadlines are looming
  • Help you reclaim your time to focus on being creative
  • Streamline your personal and professional responsibilities to help you achieve your goals

KEAN & Creative have a genuine desire to see creators succeed. We recognise how integral a thorough marketing plan and ambitious publicity strategy are for increasing exposure and, in turn, book sales:

  • We collaborate with you to formulate a marketing/publicity plan, campaign or strategy based on your book title or project
  • Develop ideas and identify desired outcomes
  • Support the Australian Publishing industry by promoting new releases and endorsing the importance of children’s literature

Attention to detail is our speciality. We embody the ‘can-do’ philosophy and anticipate every aspect when planning and executing a triumphant event, whether it be a book launch/tour, or a bookstore, school, library, or literary appearance. KEAN & Creative:

  • Efficiently and effectively coordinate and manage all critical stages from development (visualise/curate, creator-care, promotion) to delivery (budget, timeline, logistics, including ensuring book stock for signings)
  • Set ROI-driven event goals and objectives/Evaluate post-event performance

The creative process is vulnerable at its core. Once shared, your most personal thoughts, labour, struggles, and sacrifices are open to judgement and criticism. For some aspiring authors and illustrators, there can be an added layer of complexity, with many feeling like they are ‘playing at it’, until a sense of relief prevails with the credibility of being published.

  • KEAN & Creative are a trusted source for advice on where and how to get started and what to expect
  • We can educate you on appropriate manuscript submission guidelines and protocols
  • Ensure you feel supported with training and preparation for appearances (in person and virtual)

Whether you’re a social media novice or know-how, we offer a range of services to build a social media presence and awareness of your brand or profile, including:

  • Developing and implementing social media content for long- and short-term projects, such as business launches, promotional campaigns, book releases, events and more
  • Building social media pages from the ground up
  • Providing strategic recommendations and advice, based on industry insights, project and client goals
  • Audience growth and retention strategies, with tailored content and campaigns
  • Reporting and analytics

KEAN & Creative facilitates communication through design. Through a collaborative, creative and research-driven process, we can help you:

  • Craft a brand identity that suits your needs, including logos, colour palettes, messaging sets and brand applications
  • Update and refresh your personal or business brand
  • Find new ways to tell your story through competitor and end-user research and brand identity mapping
  • Develop, build and update basic websites and landing pages, for book releases, business launches and more
  • Create user-friendly and bespoke brand identity kits, ready to help you tell your unique brand story

Save valuable preparation time with our engaging and tailored resources for educators, creators, and publishers.
Let us create:

  • Teacher’s Notes aligned with curriculum standards and learning outcomes
  • PowerPoint presentations for school visits and Book Week appearances
  • Ready-to-use worksheets
  • Novel study packages
About  Jen

I have worked hard to build my reputation as a trusted ally for creators throughout my twenty-year career. I am excited to enhance this by cementing KEAN & Creative as a respected authority within Australia's publishing industry.

I have always loved the written word. I grew up in a family of avid readers, making my own ‘books’ from an early age, winning short story writing competitions at school and volunteering at the local newspaper office. To this day, I relish that feeling of discovering a new author to read or illustration to pour over, so it was almost inevitable that I would be working in the publishing industry one day!

My inherent appreciation of books and respect for their creators naturally drew me toward providing support, creating opportunities, and caring for many of this country’s best-known children’s authors and illustrators.

Working with book creators brings me fulfilment, knowing that my skillset bestows them with invaluable time to concentrate on doing what they do best – being creative – is what makes me happiest.

Throughout my twenty years of experience in this industry that I love, I have worked diligently to establish my reputation and cultivate my network. I can help you stay focused on the bigger picture and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed by taking care of the rest.

Please book a 15-minute call to begin collaborating today.

Jen, sitting on a blue chair holding a notebook and pen. Looking at the camera smiling. Bright sunny room.

“I’ll help you dot your i’s and cross your t’s and keep you focused on achieving your creative goals.”

where the creator is at the heart of everything I do - circle logo

I’m Kean. You’re creative.
Let’s work together.

Organising, supporting and nurturing creators

10 + 3 =

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